Traditional Reiki system is also called the Usui Reiki, because it was developed

in Japan by Japanese professor, Mikao Usui looking for answers on Jesus's healing methods. After meditating for many years on the Holy Mountain where he had been struck by a lightning flash, the energy started flowing inside him and he started recognizing symbols appeared. He learnt that the flowing energy had healing effects. He called the flowing energy through him Reiki. Japanese's name Reiki is made up of two words. In translation these two words mean “rei” as a ray, all-penetrating light, and the second word “ki” means energy. Only a few strictly chosen Masters were initiated into Reiki in Japan, who were able to pass the Art of Reiki on for some decades.
The tradition was broken by Mrs. Hawayo Takata who had moved to USA for the 2nd World War's sake. She initiated twenty-two Reiki Masters. The Art of Reiki has spread from America to Europe.
Even in 1990, in America, the Reiki symbols were strictly confidential. Individual initiations into Reiki were available only for rich people. A healer, Diane Stein, managed, after many years of exerting, to gain all the Reiki initiations and symbols and she decided, as a first one, to write a book where she openly published all secrets of Reiki including activating Reiki symbols. That time, her book was criticized by other Reiki Masters for that. In fact, in order to be able to work with the Reiki energy and use the symbols, is necessary first to open and clear a channel to where the Reiki energy can flow and that, however, comes up after initiations.
Over the past ten years, there has been a Reiki boom in the world. New types of Reiki have been created and for example Reiki Karuna, Reiki Shamballa etc. All of them are based on the same foundation, on the traditional Usui Reiki system.